Pogo Stick
One evening I wanted to hear a new song "Closer" by Cor inne Bailey Rae. I jumped back and forth between the three radio stations that would likely play it. While station surfing, I heard another song I like (can't even remember what it was now) and took a pause from my search to enjoy it. When I commenced to surfing again, low and behold, I caught the tail end of the song I wanted to hear in the first place. Dang IT!! Today's Inspiration Only A Planted Seed Grows Into A Tree Ever feel like you're floating like the leaf fresh blown from a tree? So many things to get done, so many obligations and desires. Life is good at pulling us in different directions and frankly, can wear out the strongest of us if we're not careful. When we have goals, we must plant our feet and nurture ourselves firmly with the thoughts and actions that will help us achieve them. It is easy to be distracted by noise or discouraged by s...