Pride Step Aside

There came a point in my daily work responsibilities where I had to edit a Wiki page. A wiki is a website that allows the easy creation and editing of web pages using a markup language or text editor.  I'm not a web designer or developer but I have tested and even written basic HTML so I figured wiki creation would be a breeze.  Before starting on my first page, I looked over existing wiki pages, reviewed the mark up text and asked a subject matter expert for tips and tricks that would ensure I did everything properly.

When I finished my Wiki page (that I copied from an existing page by the way), there were so many things wrong that even the most seasoned Wiki editors in my department couldn't figure out how I made such simple page look so... WRONG.  They don't let me touch wiki pages anymore.

Today's Inspiration
Knowing Your Limitations Can Be Your Greatest Strength

As children, many of us were taught to try our  hardest and be the best. We were rewarded with gold stars, pats on the head and accolades that validated our existence based on our capability.  As adults, many of us continue to establish our identity based on the same childhood premise and why not? Who doesn't want the world to know they are capable?

The reality of life is that we cannot all be experts at everything.  Though many of us do well as a jack of all trades, the wise advise us that it is better to become a master at one thing than a novice at many.  In order to master a skill, we must be willing to shed the belief that we should be the Grand Puba of the universe. 

When we stop trying to cover all bases, we can let others assist us without feeling inept. By sharing the load, we are empowered to dedicate more time to our own gifts and we grow by sharing knowledge.

Be encouraged to stay in your lane, the humility is worth the rewards.


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