Are We There Yet?

I got into work this morning and realized my computer mouse wasn't working properly.  I wiggled it around, checked the connection to my laptop dock and hit it against the desk a couple of times but couldn't get the cursor on my screen to move.  Finally, after unsuccessful attempts at trouble-shooting the problem, I turned the mouse upside down.  

Ah Ha! A very nice coworker of mine placed a post-it note on the bottom of my computer mouse that read "April Fools Day" - indeed it is.  April 1st is considered the ultimate day for playing pranks and practical jokes but it also marks the beginning of the second quarter of the year.

Today's Resolution
Regularly Check Progress to Ensure Success

For those who set an annual goal this year, whether it be a New Years resolution or any other commitment, April first is the perfect time to check progress against goals.  The year is broken into four periods of 3 months each.  Within each of those 90 days (approximately) we should work diligently toward the goals we set. 

An American football field is 100 yards long. The goal in a football game is to travel all 100 yards without losing the ball.  Though the team with the ball must ultimately travel the entire distance of the field to score a touch down, they are allowed to make incremental progress 10 yards at a time (called first downs) until they reach their opponents end of the field - known as the End Zone.

If we think about our annual goal as the football field, quarterly checks would be our first downs.  When we take time to review how we're doing throughout the year, we should be able to determine if we executing the plays properly to achieve the overall goal (the touch down). 

When we assess our progress, if it seems we are lacking in some way - fumbling the ball - we have opportunities to adjust.  If progress exceeds expectations though, we have a different set of options before us.  Whether on target or seriously behind, knowing where you stand empowers you to set the pace for the next three quarters of the year.  Be encouraged to take action, adjust and keep it moving.


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