The Hourglass

Today my oldest daughter shared sad news.  Her track coach lost his mother, her trainer lost his grandmother and her father's co-worker lost a loved one.  There's nothing like death to put life into perspective.

Today's Inspiration
Don't Let Life Pass You While You're Making Plans to Live It

We are where we are, we are who we are.  That truth comes with a set of circumstances - some favorable, some we could live without.  In either case, we must make the best of every set-back and give praise for our portion of grace.  Note: all set-backs are set-ups for blessings.  Because each of us has an unknown, finite number of days to walk this earth and share our gifts, we cannot afford to paralyze ourselves by waiting for the world to be perfect before we shift from existing to thriving.

Get up, take action and make moves today.  It doesn't matter if your plans are perfect.  An imperfect plan in action yields more than an unexecuted, perfect plan.  Take steps in the direction of your dreams and ensure that your goals are aligned with the Master's plan for your life. Believe enough to take the first step and be unafraid of the unknown. 

Find your courage, stomp on your fears. Push doubts to the background and blaze your trail -- your life depends on it!


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