Where Am I?

My family and I recently took a road trip from Northwest Indiana to Diamondhead Mississippi.  The 15 hour drive routed us through Illinois, Kentucky, Arkansas and Louisiana before we were fortunate enough to check into our economy hotel room without a view.

A few hours into our drive, my daughter asked "where are we?" As a curious pre-teen, her question made sense but given the fact that we still had so far to go (12 hours to be precise), I showed her the GPS to reassure her we weren't lost then advised her to relax and let me know if she needed to use the rest room.

Today's Inspiration
Where you are is NOT as important as your final destination

At any point in time we can and should perform a self-assessment to gauge progress toward goals.  It is how we ensure we are taking steps forward rather than running in perpetual circles or even worse, taking steps backwards.  Sometimes, when we reflect on our current situations, we may find that we are nowhere near where we want to be.  This can be a discouraging realization if we allow ourselves to stop there.

In this life journey we will undoubtedly make pit stops, detour or sometimes even change course.  This is natural because as we learn about ourselves and the world, i.e., become wiser, our opinions and needs also change.

The next time you look yourself in the mirror and ask "am I there yet?" remember that where you are at any given moment is only relevant with respect to where you are trying to go.  If the answers you face tell you you've detoured, be encouraged to move back onto the main road you are meant to travel. 

When your course has changed completely, it may be time to map out a new plan and take a new first step. Pray, meditate and seek wisdom of trusted advisors to assist you.  None of us are meant to exist as islands - take advantage of resources that can help eliminate bumps on uncharted terrain.

If you are fortunate enough to find that you are exactly where you should be and things are going well, celebrate your success and stay focused. 

Regardless of your situation, stay encouraged, pray and persist.  Hard work and determination backed by divine direction never steered anyone wrong.


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