Know Better, Do Better

In Northwest Indiana, the high schools do not offer driver's education so I proudly took on the task of teaching my oldest son how to drive.  We started in sub divisions where there was little traffic and less opportunity to cause major damage if the lessons went sour.

During one particular lesson, I told my son to make a right hand turn at the stop sign.  He stopped  without pounding on the break, causing the whole Durango to jerk forward - I was proud.  When he began to accelerate, he turned the steering wheel in the direction of a left turn.  I told him to stop in a very stern voice which must have startled him.  He heard and comprehended my instruction but for reasons unknown to me, he did the exact opposite. 

He attempted to steer the truck to the right while in the middle of maneuvering for a left turn and trying to stop. At the same time, a car was approaching the intersection where we danced an SUV Samba.

We survived and he's a great driver - NOW...

Today's Inspiration
It is worse to know the direction and not take it than to be lost

How many times do we operate with full knowledge of right and wrong yet choose the wrong path?  How often do we ignore lessons from past mistakes and repeat behaviors we know will yield undesirable results?

A simple definition of insanity is something unreasonable or utterly foolish. Harsh though it may be, we often operate in a foolish state of mind rather than doing what we know is best for us.  That is beyond insane yet we're all guilty.

When we are ignorant, we can rationalize our mistakes but still are not justified; for a lack of understanding is merely an opportunity to seek wisdom and knowledge.  With ignorance removed, we must take full responsibility to act maturely and forge a straight and narrow path to the destiny that awaits us.  Our fate is not as far away as a decade or even a year.  Destiny is each minute that patiently waits for the expiration of its predecessor.

Be encouraged to make conscientious, moral decisions.  Even if we don't like what we must do, we must trust that 'the right thing' is 'the best thing' and believe that great things will follow.


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