Not Right?

My brother and I are really close. If I am looking for a pat on the back, I can count on his strong, gentle hand.  One evening, I called him to vent about a matter that had my gears shifting.  He listened as usual but instead of siding with me, he asked me a series of questions that helped me understand that I was wrong for my actions though my emotions were well justified.  Tough pill to swallow but great medicine all the same.

Today's Inspiration
Encouragement Breeds Confidence; Admonishment, Humility

Bring on the accolades, let the compliments fly!  We love to be praised and why wouldn't we? It feels so good.  Some enjoy praise so much till they surround themselves with people who only tell them what they want to hear - dangerous, dangerous, dangerous.

Just as we need and enjoy praise, our social circle is complete when we are surrounded by people who will also keep our egos in check.  We continue to learn and grow when we have loved ones, those we trust with life and limb, who will tell us when we've fallen short or are acting out of character.

Without a periodic dose of reality, we may gain a false sense of our accomplishments and begin to believe we are perfect.  We could forget our roots, mistreat others and even burn bridges that cannot easily be repaired.  More importantly, if we don't have someone to keep us honest with ourselves, we could become complacent and begin to slack on our goals.  We need someone to help keep us honest with ourselves.

One key to achieving long term goals is to share them with others. It's not so that others become the boss, but making goals public provide us an extra layer of accountability.  For some reason, many of us tend to find it easier to let ourselves down than to fail others.  If that is true for you, be encouraged to enlist that one friend who will kick you in the rear as quickly as they'll give you two thumbs up.  You'll be a better, more successful person because of it!


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