In Your Eyes

The song that makes us cringe plays repeatedly on someone else's mp3 player. Our favorite outfit or shoes may make a friend's forehead wrinkle. Someone may be madly in love with the guy/girl we just don't find attractive. And that's ALL just fine.

Today's Inspiration
For every beauty, there is an eye to behold it

Our perceptions are as unique and varied as our experiences. So many different factors shape how we see the world - how could we not expect varied opinions on the same topic? One may see a rose and feel a sense of allure as they remember a lover while the other is repelled as they are reminded of bees and thorns.

It is said that some look at the world through rose colored glasses meaning, they see everything in a positive light. While we are not required to follow suit, we do have an opportunity to remember that in everything there is a touch of beauty somewhere - even though it may not be intended for our sight or our touch.

Grace can allude us or swaddle us into the comfort of all it offers - we must be willing to decide that we will see appeal in objects, people and places. Of course not everything in life will be honeysuckle sweet but, by looking for the beauty first, we open our minds' eye to a world of love, passion and opportunity. We allow our mind's eye to envision an ever-expanding, splendid world.


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