Seek Help to Stay Strong

I can't count the number of times I have needed help. When I say need help, I don't mean "which shoes match this dress" kind of help; I mean having NO idea which way to turn in life. Instead of humbling myself to the reality that I couldn't exactly figure it out alone though, I quietly struggled through.  If someone recognized my need and offered, it was natural to turn them away instead of accepting the hand they offered.  In my worst times, I would not even pray for guidance or assistance - I know it's bad but thankfully I've matured past the praying issue at least.

In spite of my pride and folly, I sometimes came out on top and of course felt proud of each accomplishment - especially when the struggle almost brought me to my knees. On the occasions when I didn't figure it out, I inevitably felt defeated or conceded that 'it just wasn't meant' in order to comfort myself.

Some might argue that my attitude toward asking for help made me stronger and that could be partially accurate. The more relevant truth I have to reflect on though is how very unwise I was. Why would I consciously subject myself to trials when just opening my mouth might have brought me an abundance of aid?

I still struggle with an over-independent mentality from time to time due to a deep-seeded belief that asking for help is a sign of weakness - a beacon to the world expressing my lack of ability or admission that I was not capable. Where'd that come from?

Today's Inspiration
We don't have to be an Island when we are part of a STRONG VILLAGE
Express your needs that they may be fulfilled

Many of us want to believe that we can do all things and we absolutely can - it’s not a solo mission though. There are biblical and modern world examples we can look at to understand this principle. Jesus had the Disciples, executives have assistants, and even family members help each other along the way.

To openly express 'I need your help', trust that we shall receive, and understand that we are yet whole is an unmatched blessing. We should be open to such a gift and embrace all the power it encompasses.

The further we want to go in life, the more support we are likely to need along the way. If we believe that it is ok to seek help at appropriate times, we tap into the resources around us and may even help others by allowing them to help us.

The next time you're feeling like you just don't have it covered, remember that struggle does not equal failure. Look to the hills for your help and open the doors of your heart to accept the wealth of love, knowledge and resources that is your strong village.

It is your destiny to deliver a mighty gift to this world and you shall... one daily inspiration at a time.


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