Preparing for Miracles
When I walk into his bedroom, several games call to me from the floor "please pick me up before I'm scratched or broken". The game system feels unloved and exhausted from hours of playing to an empty room - my son turns it on then leaves. Game controllers hold on to the end of their cords, praying not to be crushed by heavy feet - I've stepped on them more times than I care to admit. The lonely old bowl of oatmeal doubles as a petri dish collecting bacteria under the bed.
Not sounding like upgrade time to me.
Today's Inspiration
Miracles arise from a mind that is ready for them
All things in existence are created twice. First in our minds as a vision then in the world as a reality. Before we can become or achieve anything, we have to allow ourselves to envision a future where our dreams have come to fruition.
No matter how great or small our desires, we must prepare ourselves mentally and spiritually to receive them. If we accept delivery of gifts prematurely, before we possess the wisdom
Once we take time to prepare room for our blessings, when we truly are ready for great things to happen in our lives, doors will open in ways we could never imagine.
If you're looking for your something new, clean the mental baggage out of your closets, sweep the cobwebbs out the corners of your mind. Stitch the wounds of your heart and put on a fresh, positive attitude!
Prepare your house in anticipation of a guest - your miracle is on the way...