Of Equal Measure
One of my favorite candies is Jelly Belly Sours
which I lovingly refer to as tangy, delicicious bites of bliss. I'm still not sure if this is a good thing or not but, my kids also love this particular brand of jelly bean. I once purchased a bag and made the mistake of sitting it on the desk in my home office (a corner of my bedroom).
My crumbsnatchers expressed unusual interest in my well being once they realized the sweet treat was in my room. They would stop in randomly to chat and, of course, to grab a bit of candy. By the end of the day, I went to my desk to enjoy a few pieces of candy myself but by that time, there was less than 1/8 of a bag. I was bummed that my candy was gone but I couldn't blame the kids - they ate it with my full permission.
2010 is our season for realizing dreams and bringing visions to life. We must be bold and steadfast during this year - especially in these first few months. Whether setting off to blaze a new trail or continue on one started in years past, realize that along the way, we will need to identify opportunities that serve us best and avoid the things that drain our precious resources.
By building a strong network of like-minded individuals, we begin to see why the wise say two heads are better than one. We learn and grow at an accelerated pace and opportunities tend to find us much more easily than if we were trying to go at it on our own. I still haven't figured out why but, when people help me, they usually don't look for anything in return. If you find yourself blessed in a similar way, pay it forward by helping someone else when you can.
Just as our path will be blessed by people who want to help us, we will undoubtedly be approached by some whose only intention is to take without replenishing. It is not always easy to identify such characters, as they will usually seem very interested and helpful - at least at first.
None of us are experts in weeding out every thing or person that might monopolize our time and energy. Any attempt to do so would be more of a hindrance than a help. We can only pray for the gift of discernment and be unafraid if we realize we need to terminate relationships and change directions to stay on our path to prosperity.
Plant your seed, tend to your gift... your garden of fortune shall bloom freely in Spring...
My crumbsnatchers expressed unusual interest in my well being once they realized the sweet treat was in my room. They would stop in randomly to chat and, of course, to grab a bit of candy. By the end of the day, I went to my desk to enjoy a few pieces of candy myself but by that time, there was less than 1/8 of a bag. I was bummed that my candy was gone but I couldn't blame the kids - they ate it with my full permission.
Today's Inspiration
Seek to Build Relationships of Equality: We must give and receive to grow
2010 is our season for realizing dreams and bringing visions to life. We must be bold and steadfast during this year - especially in these first few months. Whether setting off to blaze a new trail or continue on one started in years past, realize that along the way, we will need to identify opportunities that serve us best and avoid the things that drain our precious resources.
By building a strong network of like-minded individuals, we begin to see why the wise say two heads are better than one. We learn and grow at an accelerated pace and opportunities tend to find us much more easily than if we were trying to go at it on our own. I still haven't figured out why but, when people help me, they usually don't look for anything in return. If you find yourself blessed in a similar way, pay it forward by helping someone else when you can.
Just as our path will be blessed by people who want to help us, we will undoubtedly be approached by some whose only intention is to take without replenishing. It is not always easy to identify such characters, as they will usually seem very interested and helpful - at least at first.
None of us are experts in weeding out every thing or person that might monopolize our time and energy. Any attempt to do so would be more of a hindrance than a help. We can only pray for the gift of discernment and be unafraid if we realize we need to terminate relationships and change directions to stay on our path to prosperity.
Plant your seed, tend to your gift... your garden of fortune shall bloom freely in Spring...