Strength in Time

My daughter tried out for cross country one year though she had never shown even a nominal interest in running prior to her sudden fascination but we got her all geared up and she went for it.

At one of her meets, she started out strong but eventually fell behind the pack.  As most parents did, I encouraged her to keep pushing each time she passed me on the competition trail.  When she rounded the corner of her last lap, she was next to tears and had decided that she would walk the last leg of the race - she had given up on herself.

I did not encourage her in the way one might assume. Rather than soft, kind words, I ran next to her and chastised her for about 10 paces.   How dare she give up on herself after going so far and trying so hard! "You better run or I'm gonna get in your behind." were my parting words as she finished her personal victory lap.

She ran to the finish line with all the energy she could muster - we still laugh at my unconventional encouragement and I marvel at her strength.

Today's Inspiration
You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have ~Eric Gordon

How many times have you just felt like giving up?  Though quitting should never be our first option, there are moments where we all just want to throw in the towel and walk away.  But what about when walking away isn't an option; when we must keep forging ahead in spite of our exhaustion, doubts and fears.

When we are at our worst, we must hold on to the belief that God is at his best.  All things are possible if we only believe and do not give up.  By pressing on through an endless number of challenges and missteps, we learn that we possess a strength that, before the trial, went unnoticed (perhaps because we didn't need it yet).

The next time life pushes you against a wall, hold on to your faith and dig deep.  For just beyond the obstacle you shall find the mental, spiritual and emotional fortitude to move beyond your limitation and on to greatness.


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