Don't Let "Can't" Strangle Capability
My younger children present me with so many opportunities to learn and grow i.e., challenges. They have independent spirits and sometimes frowns at directives - at least when they aren't not interested in the task or outcome.
At one point or another they have attempted to manipulate my kindness and sympathy using the 'I Can't' excuse. I can't get the dust mop to reach under the couch; I can't get this sticky stuff off of the pot; I can't reach the top of the mirror to clean it. The list goes on but I'll stop there.
When they were younger, I would take time to show them how capable
they were and encourage them to try their best. As they grew older, I realized the cunning little rascals were playing on my emotions. They had no lack of skill or ability, they simply did not want to do as they were told. Eventually, I turned the tables.
"Mommy, I can't (fill in the blank)." they'd start with puppy dog eyes. Why do children want parents to believe they toiled over a task and tried every option under the sun? Don't they know we know better?
I matched their troubled little faces with my own look of dispair, tilted my head just a bit for full effect then responded sincerely "Oh poor baby, I bet you could if it were candy. Now get it done."
Parents are always smarter in the end...
Both that the man who says he can't and the man who says he can are correct. How could this be? Can't is such a powerful word because it stops our mind from looking for solutions. When we say we cannot do a thing, we concede that there are no alternative measures to take, no options to weigh, no hope.
When we believe we can do a thing, we empower ourselves to figure out how. It may be true that we cannot accomplish a feat alone but with an 'I Can' attitutude, we might network to find the people and resources to help us along the way.
By asking the question 'how can I', we start to comb through our mental rolodex looking for potential solutions, developing strategies and drafting plans. We envision ourselves in a place beyond the challenge in front of us and gain confidence in our ability.
Choose to believe you can and indeed you shall. Be encouraged to try at least one more time, one more way...
At one point or another they have attempted to manipulate my kindness and sympathy using the 'I Can't' excuse. I can't get the dust mop to reach under the couch; I can't get this sticky stuff off of the pot; I can't reach the top of the mirror to clean it. The list goes on but I'll stop there.
When they were younger, I would take time to show them how capable
"Mommy, I can't (fill in the blank)." they'd start with puppy dog eyes. Why do children want parents to believe they toiled over a task and tried every option under the sun? Don't they know we know better?
I matched their troubled little faces with my own look of dispair, tilted my head just a bit for full effect then responded sincerely "Oh poor baby, I bet you could if it were candy. Now get it done."
Parents are always smarter in the end...
Today's Inspiration
If you Believe you Can, YOU WILL...
Both that the man who says he can't and the man who says he can are correct. How could this be? Can't is such a powerful word because it stops our mind from looking for solutions. When we say we cannot do a thing, we concede that there are no alternative measures to take, no options to weigh, no hope.
When we believe we can do a thing, we empower ourselves to figure out how. It may be true that we cannot accomplish a feat alone but with an 'I Can' attitutude, we might network to find the people and resources to help us along the way.
By asking the question 'how can I', we start to comb through our mental rolodex looking for potential solutions, developing strategies and drafting plans. We envision ourselves in a place beyond the challenge in front of us and gain confidence in our ability.
Choose to believe you can and indeed you shall. Be encouraged to try at least one more time, one more way...