Welcome to Daily Inspiration
'Daily Inspiration for Everyday People' is a growing collection of simple encouragement for everyday life.
Each day I will share with you reflections and humorous anecdotes in hopes that each post stimulates, encourages, or just makes you smile.
We officially launch on 01/01/10. At the end of the year, we will have spent a year and a day (including this intro post) together and hopefully, improved our lives in some small way.
I have never written a blog - only recently found out what it was - so I approach this undertaking with a humble, willing spirit and grateful attitude.
Thank you in advance for your patience and support as I embark on this journey of sharing, learning, living and laughing.
Feel free to comment and share the blog site with others.
Each day I will share with you reflections and humorous anecdotes in hopes that each post stimulates, encourages, or just makes you smile.
We officially launch on 01/01/10. At the end of the year, we will have spent a year and a day (including this intro post) together and hopefully, improved our lives in some small way.
I have never written a blog - only recently found out what it was - so I approach this undertaking with a humble, willing spirit and grateful attitude.
Thank you in advance for your patience and support as I embark on this journey of sharing, learning, living and laughing.
Feel free to comment and share the blog site with others.