Growing Feathers
My children often criticize me (lovingly) for the number of times they are required to eat baked chicken in a given week. I don't fry food for health reasons (and I hate the putrid odor it leaves behind) so baking has become the normal way I prepare meats aside from grilling when time and weather permit. It just so happens that I don't cook pork, consume very little red meat and the kids aren't fond of fish so, chicken is the natural winner. Recently, they asked what we were having for dinner. I thought about it a minute (as if i really needed to ponder) and responded - baked chicken and vegetables. Instantly, their voices joined in song to express disapproval at my decision. "Again?" they cried out in laughter. I couldn't help but laugh myself considering we probably eat baked food 25 nights per month. I paused to consider dinner a bit further then came up with what I thought was a brilliant idea. "How about we go to Popeye's or KFC then?...